One & Simple Goal
Reduce Cost, Increase Efficiency
Knowledge Graph enabled AI solutions for manufacturing Industries to optimize raw materials cost and to analyze unstructured data.
The problems we solve
The Stage of “So, What?”
Today, the constant pressure to reduce the manufacturing cost and improve efficiency in manufacturing business is higher than ever before. Exploring every bit of data using latest technology to manufacture at least cost possible with full operational efficiency is must for a successful manufacturer.
Raw materials are Costly
60% of total manufacturing cost comes from raw materials
The Cost is Volatile
Raw materials cost can go up or down by 2.09% in a week and impacts profit margin.
R&D is Time Consuming
Finding an economical recipe to manufacture a product with specific requirements takes atleast 15 days.
Data Volume is High
An average manufacturing industry generates around 84.2TB data per year and 70% of data is unstructured
Analyzing Documents is Tough
Industry experts spend around 30% of their working hours to do a simple analysis of unstructured documents.
The missing part in other solutions
AI is not the end but the start.
Finding the cheapest product recipe or making sense of the TBs of unstructured data is not only about AI, domain knowledge is the key to the AI success.

We store industry experts knowledge in the form of graph and apply AI on it.
We model the Intelligence of Domain Experts into Knowledge Graph enabled AI solutions

How does our solution work
It’s time to move from the stage of “So What?” to “Now What?”
Our KG module captures the Industry domain knowledge and explore new relationships.
While AI module, exploits the domain knowledge captured by KG to predict the cheapest product recipe or converting unstructured data into business insights.
While AI module, exploits the domain knowledge captured by KG to predict the cheapest product recipe or converting unstructured data into business insights.
Meet Our Solutions
All You Need
Our team of scientists and engineers from MIT and IITs have designed, developed and finely tailored these solutions to get the job done.
The new way of remote meetings. Days of taking manual meeting minutes are gone. AI will automatically prepare it and share with all attendees.
Materials Costimizer
Finding the cheapest route to manufacture high quality products your customers demand is as easy as clicking a button.
Generating industry insights from unstructured documents across the value chain is a job of a minute now.
Case Studies
It is our customer’s success.
We work with a range of materials and chemicals industry leaders, including steel, pipe, coating, welding, paints and many more.
We live in a world that changes every day. We believe combining knowledge of industry experts with right AI solution is essential to consistently increase profitability and grow business.
We live in a world that changes every day. We believe combining knowledge of industry experts with right AI solution is essential to consistently increase profitability and grow business.
Read our case studies!